TO SIGN UP FOR THE MINOR, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM: It will go to an Arts and Sciences advisor.
The minor requires a minimum of 18 credit hours as follows:
- All students are required to take ANT 335*: Religion in Everyday Life in the course of their program.
- In addition to ANT 335, students must complete 15 credit hours from at least three different areas from the list provided. At least 9 of the 15 credit hours must be at the 300-level or above and 6 of the 15 credit hours must be from a prefix outside of their major. Students must take course work from at least two different prefixes. A course used to satisfy one area may not be used to satisfy another area in the minor.
Area 1: Judaism
- HJS 110*: Intro to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
- HIS 323: The Holocaust
- HJS 324: Jewish Thought & Culture I
- HJS 325: Jewish Thought & Culture II
- HJS 326: The Jewish Experience in America
- HJS 327: Women in Judaism
- WRD 401 [topics:subtitles vary. The following are approved for WR credit: Comics and Conflict in Graphic Narratives About Israel/Palestine; Introduction to the Jewish Graphic Novel; Spiritual Writing.]
- WRD 420: Jewish Rhetorics
Area 2: Christianity
- CLA 190*: Introduction to the New Testament
- CLA 191: Christianity, Culture, & Society
- CLA/HIS 391: Christians in the Roman Empire
- HIS 330: A History of Western Religious Thought
- HIS 512: Carolingian Empire
- HIS 513: Medieval Institutions since the Mid-10th Century
- HIS 520: The Era of the Reformation
- HIS 546: The Byzantine Empire
- A-H 323: [topics:subtitles vary. The following is approved for WR credit: Studies in Medieval Art: Christian Iconography ]
- A-H 525/527: [topics: subtitles vary. The following are approved for WR credit: Matter & Spirit in Medieval Art; The Icon ]
Area 3: Islam
- AIS 228: Islamic Civilization I
- AIS 330: Islamic Civilization II
- AIS 338: Women & Islam
- AIS 340: Fundamentalism & Reform in Islam
- AIS 345: Islamic Mysticism
- AIS 410: Theology & Law in Islam
- AIS 430 Islam in America
- AIS 440: Introduction to the Quran
Area 4: Central & East Asia
- ANT 327: Culture & Societies of India and S. Asia
- CHI 345: Introduction to Early Chinese Thought
- CHI 450: Daoism
- PHI 343*: Asian Philosophy
Area 5: Ancient, Folk, & Indigenous Religion
- CLA 135: Greek & Roman Mythology
- CLA 382: Greek & Roman Religion
- GER 363: Germanic Mythology
- RUS 370*: Russian Folklore (in English)
- A-H 525/527: [topics; subtitles vary. The following are approved for WR credit: Arts of Roman Religions; Roman Arts & Afterlife ]
- FR 350: [topics; subtitle varies. The following is approved for WR credit: French Republicanism & Secular Religion]
Area 6: Methodology & Comparative Studies
- ANT 130: Introduction to Comparative Religion
- ANT 450: Symbols and Culture
- PHI 245: Introduction to Philosophy of Religion
- PHI 545: Philosophy of Religion
- A&S 300: [topics: subtitle varies. The following is approved for WR credit:The Psychology of Religion]
- MCL 495: [topics: subtitle varies. The following is approved for WR credit: Religion]
- SOC 350: [topics: subtitle varies. The following is approved for WR credit: Sociology of Religion]
* satisfies a UKCore requirement
Courses that can count in more than one area:
- CLA/HIS 390: Backgrounds to and Early History of Christianity to 150 CE
- ENG 271: The Bible as Literature
- HIS 191*: A History of World Religions
- PHI 504: Islamic & Jewish Philosophy & the Classical Tradition
For individual students and on a case-by-case basis, other courses which a student has taken may be counted toward the minor, upon request of the student and provided the content of the course is deemed sufficiently relevant by the adviser for the minor.